Healthy Southern Meal Plan

The Flat Belly Code

How Cutting Calories Can Actually Save You Money

Buying food is one of the larger expenditures we make each week. But did you know that by cutting calories you can also save money? Use our tips on how to save money both when eating out and eating at home.

How To Balance Your Calorie Deficit

All of us know that cutting calories and exercising more is the secret to healthy weight loss. But how many calories do you need and still have enough to fuel your body? The number you need to eat each day varies depending on your:

20 Easy Ways to Reduce The Number of Calories You Consume

To lose weight, you have to cut calories, or exercise more, or a combination of the two. If you plan to cut calories, we rounded up 20 ways you can use to reduce your caloric intake through smart substitution and portion control.

3 Hidden Calorie Traps That Might Be Catching You Out

These days everyone is trying to lose weight and cut down on their calorific intake. But, even if we are eating healthy food, we may be unwittingly consuming a lot more sugar than we think and, of course, this is not going to help in our efforts to shed some unwanted fat. The reason for this is that more and more so-called health foods actually contain surprisingly high levels of sugar. Don’t believe me, well read on as I uncover 3 lesser known calorie traps that might be catching you out.

The Secret to Weight Loss Without Cardio

Cardio is often the first exercise that someone will try to help them lose weight. They will spend countless hours on a treadmill or stationary bike trying to shed those pounds and slim their waistlines. But what if there was another way to lose weight that didn’t involve cardio? What if I told you that you can get even better weight loss results spending half or less the time that you spend doing cardio? Learn the secret to losing weight without cardio and without sacrificing so much of your time.

How To Lose Weight With Coffee

Coffee has for the longest time been used as a weight loss remedy. This is because it has caffeine. Caffeine helps by suppressing appetite and increasing metabolism and both are very crucial when it comes to losing weight. When you drink coffee, you also enhance the benefits of your exercises leading you towards the goals you have set to lose weight.

Does Yoghurt Help Lose Weight?

The fat content in the body exceeding normal levels and values leads to overweight cases and obesity. They are dangerous conditions which can lead to health issues including heart disease. Unhealthy eating and leading a life that is not active creates simple paths for being overweight. However, if you are already overweight or obese, you can still do something about it and shed off the extra pounds to enjoy a healthier and fitter you. Here are some of the ways on how to lose weight fast at home.

5 Ways To Lose Weight Fast Without Working Out

Working out has been viewed as part and parcel of losing weight. This is especially because it helps in making sure that you have a well toned body and muscles as you lose weight. The working out also heightens the rates of metabolism easily aiding weight loss. You can however still lose weight without having to go through the exercises.

Identify What Gives You The Most Trouble With Weight Loss

To help you stay focused on track, it’s important to identify what is causing you the most trouble with weight loss and work to fix that particular problem. Once that’s done, you will know exactly what needs to be taken care of so that positive progress can be made.

Eat These Vegetables to Help You Lose Abdominal Fat

That title sounds crazy, right? But it is true. There are specific vegetables that will actually help stimulate the burning of belly fat.

The Best Fat Burning Workouts

Losing weight and burning fat requires time, effort and sacrifice. It goes without saying that you will only lose weight in a healthy way if you combine the right exercises with a proper diet and keep up the regimen with consistency and purpose.

3 Paleo Diet Myths – Paleo Is Not All About Weight Loss

Whilst many myths abound regarding the Paleo diet it should be noted that eating the Paleo way is not all about weight loss. The Paleo diet has been credited for many people losing significant amounts of weight, however the other massive health benefits are what many people seek with this popular diet.

The Flat Belly Code

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