Can you eat onions 🧅 on the Keto diet? Are onions keto friendly? #onion #ketodiet #shorts

The Flat Belly Code

Things to Consider While Choosing a Bariatric Surgeon Abroad

Referrals, track record, accessibility and cost are some of the criteria on which search for a Bariatric surgeon abroad must be based. Undergoing Bariatric surgery abroad is a much viable and preferred option for citizens of the first world countries. Several factors, of which cost is the biggest one, have a role to play in this phenomenon of medical tourism.

5 Easy Tips To Reach Your Weight Loss Goals

Weight loss is something that so many people are working on every day, every week, every month and every year. The weight loss industry is a multi billion dollar industry. People are constantly looking for an easy solution, a system or even a quick fix. It’s a constant battle for some. Weight loss truly does not have to be a task. These 5 tips can help you reach your goals without a struggle.

Finding My Best Ever Lover & The Weight I Was Born to Be

A new take on Weight Management and Weight Loss Motivation – Learn How to Love Yourself and find the weight you were born to be. Article invites you to start your journey and discover the tips and trick to weight loss motivation.

Losing Weight for Seniors – Doctor’s Orders

You are over 60. Your doctor says losing weight will help your blood pressure, cholesterol, back pain, hip pain, or some other condition, do you wonder how you can ease your way into increasing your activity? You can’t jump into weight lifting. And swimming is out. Where do you start?

Beware The “Demon Drink” – It May Switch Off Your Conscious Healthy Eating Habits

Consciously linking your mind and body is so important when you are practicing a more healthy eating habits. Knowing your body and its reaction to drink can help prevent you from overeating when socialising or dining out.

Don’t Quit Your New Year’s Resolution Yet! 3 Tips To Rejuvenate Your Efforts

According to, 21% of all New Years resolutions deal with some type of weight-loss goal. If you are one of the many who are focusing on losing weight this year, here are a 3 important points to keep in mind to better your chances of accomplishing this often elusive goal. Don’t give up on that New Year’s resolution yet! With this inspiration you can get back to it and still achieve your weight loss goal.

What Are The Best Weight Loss Aids?

What are the best weight loss aids? The best weight loss aids are those that are more natural. Since using natural methods are safer, you can usually take them longer, thus enjoying a healthy lifestyle for the long run.

Trying to Lose Weight? Don’t Fall for This

A client came to me the other day with a diet and exercise plan from a celebrity trainer. The headline: “All you have to do is repeat the three moves below for 20 minutes and you will burn away the belly fat FOR GOOD. ” The three moves included standing in place while punching as fast as you can, a lateral arm raise and high knee raises. And of course, there was a “healthy eating plan” included, with the promise “Lose 5 pounds in 5 days!”

What Are the Benefits of Medical Weight Loss?

Most people start the year with the same resolution which is to lose more weight. They find it difficult to lose the weight on their own. So they begin to do some digging to find a way to get help with losing that extra weight. Why not find the closest medical weight loss clinic nearby? In this article we will discuss what are the benefits of medical weight loss?

The Family Approach to Weight Loss

Weight loss efforts work better when the whole family is involved. Younger members of the family heavily depend on parents or adults when it comes to the types of food they eat and the exercises they do. The involvement of the family will greatly help the children and the whole family to live a healthier lifestyle. The emphasis here should be the healthier life style than the weight loss. Read on to find out more.

5 Best Diet Tips For Weight Loss

It’s that time of year. Many decide they want to start the new year off losing weight. These 5 best diet tips will help you stay with your plan.

Walk Your Way To A Healthier And Happier Life

But you do have the time to walk your way to fitness. It may sound silly, but walking is one of the best things you can do for your body.

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