Day 18 – Savor | MOVE – A 30 Day Yoga Journey

The Flat Belly Code

Tighten Post Baby Tummy – Is There an Easy Way to Tighten Your Post Baby Tummy?

Having a baby is such a miraculous thing and everything about becoming a Mom is wonderful. But let’s face it, it’s certainly not easy changing your life upside down. And it also isn’t easy turning your body upside down. If there one thing you don’t have to worry about or even think about, it’s tightening your post baby tummy.

5 Things People Constantly Get Wrong When It Comes To Weight Loss

I’ve gotten to the point in my life where I get sad when I hear women and men talking about weight loss. It’s not because I think no one needs to lose weight. Quite the contrary, I think that many people would change their life, their health, and their sense of self worth if they began to take care of themselves and their body reflected this in weight loss.

How To Lose Weight Fast Without Workouts And Diets

The need to diet and exercise is what deters many from trying to lose pounds to maintain a healthy weight. I agree that it is hard to tame a voracious appetite or stick it out at the gym for long. So, for all of you looking for alternative ways to lose weight fast, here are 8 methods that demand no dieting and no rigorous exercise.

Myths and Facts About Dieting and Losing Weight

You may already be getting frustrated about the results that you are not getting from your dieting efforts. Do not be too hasty in blaming the program and its proponents. Certain beliefs that you hold about dieting may be the culprit.

How To Lose Weight Fast For Women

Both men and women struggle with weight issues. However, women are more desperate when it comes to keeping their looks. It is the dream of every woman to have a perfect body that looks good in any and every outfit. This makes losing weight more serious for women as they want to look their best at all times. The good news about losing weight is that there are several methods to make the process faster and easier.

Impossible to Lose Belly Fat – Are You Ready For Your Breakthrough to Lose Belly Fat?

Belly fat can be quite stubborn and you may have had it lingering around for some time now. But you are ready for a breakthrough. You are ready to discover exactly why you have it and how you can get rid of it once and for all.

How Food Intolerance Is Preventing You From Losing Weight

Do you struggle with weight gain even though you diet and exercise consistently? According to some experts, the culprit may be your own body’s reaction to some of the foods you eat causing water retention. This phenomenon is known as food intolerance

How to Safely Lose 50 Pounds

Losing fifty pounds can seem a little daunting. With regular exercise and a balanced diet, it is an achievable goal. A sensible approach to your weight-loss goal will not only lose those pounds, but it will help to keep from regaining them at a later time

10 Weight Loss Tips for Beginners

There are many reasons for wanting to lose weight. Among the many reasons are feeling more energetic, better health, and more self confidence. It seems as if it should be an easy goal to accomplish once the desire for these things hits. However, it is not so easy to do, especially for those that have never tried to lose weight before. These simple tips, though, will make the weight loss process more bearable

5 Foods Never To Eat If You Are Concerned About Your Weight And Your Health

It may not be much fun, but the simple truth is that there are certain foods available in every grocery store in the country which you really ought to never eat, if you are concerned about your weight and your health. The problem is that these are often some of the most delicious foods out there. But by giving in to temptation you may be doing your taste buds a favor your, but your body will be screaming at you in alarm!

Does the Scale Help or Hinder Weight Loss? How Often Should You Step on the Scale?

The weight on the scale can provide us with good information from one week to the next, but unfortunately it may not always be helpful. The scale is the one tool that we have easily available on a day-to-day basis that gives us information on how we are doing on achieving our weight loss goals. It was recently brought to my attention, however, the significance of that one step.

Best Battle Rope Workout to Burn Calories

Battle Rope workouts are awesome for burning calories and losing fat. The combination of cardio and strength provides for a great fat burning, muscle building workout. Check out this article about how to use Battle Ropes and a high intensity Battle Rope workout!

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