Day of Eating Not Fully Keto… Should You Take a Break From Keto Sometimes?

The Flat Belly Code

Wellness Activities to Stay Healthy

The Wellness of an employee is important to the employer. Wellness programs are provided to employees as a preventive measure to help avoid illness while improving and maintaining the general health of the employees.

Type 2 Diabetes and Weight Loss – Five Smart Moves For Keeping Cravings At Bay

Food cravings get the best of most of us. If you have been on a diet before, you know how it does not feel too difficult until “food cravings” strike. When they do, it may seem next to impossible to maintain the course of your weight loss plan. This said, there are steps you can take to help you keep your cravings under control. Let us take a look at five strategies you should consider putting to good use.

Type 2 Diabetes and Weight Loss – Focus on Exercising And Not Your Body Weight

When starting a weight loss journey, there are more than a few things to keep in mind. Since it is a long and often tedious process, let us start by saying you should have the right mindset from the onset. Nothing will be accomplished overnight. This includes other issues you may be tackling at the same time, like lowering your blood sugar and improving your blood cholesterol profile.

Things to Note Before Embarking on a Weight Loss Plan

There are many reasons as to why you may want to shed those extra kilos from your body. There are those that may do it for personal reason, while others do it for health. When you are fit, then you can reduce the risk of getting certain ailments like type two diabetes and heart diseases.

Type 2 Diabetes and Healthy Eating – Going Vegetarian Can Be Healthy

We have all heard eating a vegetarian diet can be good for our health. It helps lower your cholesterol levels, keeps your calorie intake down, and increases your intake of nutrient-dense fruits and vegetables. But, are there instances where this may hinder your progress? As it turns out, there are. Let us look at three reasons why the vegetarian diet you thought was so healthy may be causing you more harm than good…

Type 2 Diabetes and Weight Loss – Tips to Help You Eat Smart When Dining Out

Whether you are on a diet or not, you are going to dine out now and then. Ideally, it will not be too often, because it is better for your health to be cooking the majority of your meals yourself. But considering you will have social events and you will want to eat out on occasion, it is important to know how to do it correctly. Even if you are following a weight loss protocol, it is possible to eat out and not hinder your progress. If you have Type 2 diabetes, you can still eat out without having to ask for a diabetic-friendly meal. But there are some things you must do.

Type 2 Diabetes and Weight Loss – Why You May Not Be Losing Weight

There is a reason why you may not be losing weight, and it has nothing to do with your diet. At least not directly. You may be struggling with weight loss because you do not feel compelled to lose weight. If you do not feel a nagging urge to drop the pounds, you are not going to have enough motivation to see it through. Let us state the obvious: most people would like to lose some weight. Most of us feel we have extra fat to spare. It serves us no benefit. Not only would a leaner version of ourselves look better, but also be healthier. Every one of us could do better in this regard.

Lose Water Weight Overnight

Would you like to know how to lose water weight overnight? Well luckily for you I have a great all encompassing answer starting from the causes of bloating and ending with bloating relief. If you would like to know how to get rid of water weight overnight then read this post

Type 2 Diabetes and Weight Loss – What Are Your Chances of Success?

First things first: this is not meant to be a wake-up call. And naturally, being told your chances of succeeding are not as high as your chances of failing, may feel demoralizing. Your chances of succeeding at any endeavor – whether it is in regards to health, career, or a relationship – always carry with them a risk of failure. And more often than not, your chances of anything other than success (not necessarily implying failure), are going to be higher. Why? On a long enough timeline, there is just too much of the unexpected to account for. There is too much outside of your control that could go wrong.

How to Use Caviar for Weight Loss and Improving Your Health

In this article, we would like to tell you how caviar can help you be healthy and lose weight. There is a lot of information about red caviar, but no one writes about other types of caviar and their health effects. We would like to write about pike caviar, because this type of caviar is as popular as red and black, and it is also much cheaper.

Best Cardio for a Weight Loss Plateau

What cardio should you do to lose weight & experience maximal fat loss? This post talks about the best cardio for a weight loss plateau. If you’re trying hard to burn fat, but the belly fat just won’t budge this will help. If you’ve asked the question what cardio should I do to burn the most calories and body fat then read on…

Lose Weight While Sleeping

Would you like to know how to lose weight while sleeping? Well this is the question that I tackle in today’s post.

The Flat Belly Code

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