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Six Unexpected Weight Loss Tips

Embarking on a weight loss journey might not be exciting. However, there are ways to spice up the process and even inject a little brevity into your hard work.

Top 7 Ways To Shake Up Your Routine

So on Monday you go for a light jog and on Wednesday you go to “toning” class (oh how I dislike that word) and on Friday you go to step class and on Monday you go for a light jog and on Wednesday you go to toning class and… wow, can you say Groundhog Day? My top 3 ways that turned into my top 5 ways and now sits at my top 7 ways to shake up your fitness routine… ready?

What You Really Get When You Buy Fat-Free and “Light” Foods

If you are trying to lose weight then lowering your calorie intake is what counts. In the fight to lower calorie intake we as a society tend to go through phases… the carbs are bad phase… the eat-low-fat-phase and of course with that there is the inevitable push to separate you from your money by introducing low-fat foods.

10 Rules To Help You Keep Extra Weight Off Forever

The trick to maintaining your weight after losing those pounds is to live a better, healthier life. Follow these ten rules and you will soon find yourself on the road to self-improvement without regaining that unwanted weight.

Several Ways To Shed Pounds In Several Days Without Slowing Your Metabolism Down

There aren’t many ways to shed fat fast without compromising the functionality of your metabolism. The body is always working hard to protect itself and maintain a state of balance. This means that if you deprive yourself of too many calories for too long, it will slow down its fat burning abilities and enter into starvation mode. This is the fallacy of fad or crash dieting. The can help you lose weight, but programs like these certainly won’t help you keep it off.

Eat Protein And Avoid The Yo-Yo Dieting Trap!

Everyone loves the compliments that ensue after a successful diet program. Losing 20-30 pounds of body weight is no easy feat and takes most people months to accomplish. The celebrations are short lived however when the weight slowly starts piling back on. In many cases, it isn’t long before the happy dieter has not only gained all their weight back but even more. And so the cycle starts all over again with a new diet and up and down the body weight goes, however oddly enough each time we gain the weight back, it’s more body fat than before. This is the sad but ever so common story of ‘yo-yo dieting’. This phenomenon is rampant among dieters and can be blamed on one important missing ingredient unfortunately typical in most fad programs. Keep reading this article to learn this little known secret and how to prevent the yo-yo dieting roller coaster.

Weight Loss – Three Habits That Make It Difficult To Lose Weight

Are you struggling to see the results you were looking for with your weight loss plan? If so, you need to consider a few of the habits you currently have that could be making it very challenging to see the weight loss results you were desiring. Some people develop negative habits without even realizing these practices are influencing their results. So, are you curious to see if you have a few of them? Here are the main ones you need to know about.

The Single Most Effective “Life Hack” I’ve Ever Seen!

I’ve spent years and years trying different weight-loss methods. Mainly because I don’t want to feel terrible whilst doing it… and now I’m about to share my top NATURAL weight-loss tip that will BLOW your mind!

You Vs You

We are our biggest critics. We are at times our own worst enemy. Especially when it comes to our weight. If other people spoke to us the way we speak to our internal selves, it would definitely be face slap worthy at times.

Positive Lasting Change Requires Giving to Ourselves, Not Deprivation

From my experience, generally when we want to make a change in our lives, we automatically default to giving something up or depriving ourselves by using willpower or discipline. However, all these actions are negative and will never last long term because emotionally and physically it is not what we need. Personally I feel that for lasting change to happen, firstly we need to be mindful of the current action or habit so that we can work out how to change it. Then we need to see what positive action we can take to help us achieve that change. If it is positive, you like it, you feel good about it, you are more likely to continue until the new action has become a positive habit.

Tips to Stick to Your Diet Plan

Diet definitely plays a great role in reducing or gaining weight. And when you have decided to make changes in your body, the foremost thing to do is to start with an effective diet plan. And there’s no doubt that Sooner or later, you must have started with some particular diet to get the desired body shape. So, how often did you stick to it strictly? The majority will say, “We failed”. And, it’s normal because following any diet plan asks for strong will power and dedication.

Drink Your Way To A Slimmer Waistline With Healthy Smoothies

After any festive season, we are high on the guilt trip. Seeing the number of pounds you’ve added, you vow to strictly abstain from the high-fat, high-sugar and high-sodium foods you gorged on. Cutting back on calories is the only way you can probably shed some of the fat. But then, dieting is not everyone’s cup of tea. The hunger pangs tempt you back to the plate. Smoothies are the answer to keep your tummy full, at the same time keep your weight in check.

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