Full Day of Healthy Family Meals | Easy Low Carb Ideas

Falling Off The Low Carb Wagon

Why do so many people fall off a low-carb diet? To sum it up, one word – bread. Who can resist a warm crusty piece of bread with butter? Tough, but you can. Does following a low-carb eating style mean you can never eat bread again? No, but you will want to stay away from bread and other high carb foods while on a low-carb, optimum protein weight loss program.

Do You Want to Be Fattened Like a Farm Animal?

I’ll take a wild guess and assume that no one would like to be fattened up like a farm animal, and maybe a few readers would be insulted by such a suggestion. But I am here to tell you that, that is exactly what is happening, and under the guise of eating a healthy diet. If you think about any animal, such as cow, sheep, chickens etc, they are not fattened with fat. In their best environment they eat grasses and chickens like bugs.

No More Excuses In Your Health

My whole life has been me making excuse one after the other. I’m starting to think excuses are me trying to lie to myself. Yes I said it.

Discover How to Lose Weight With a Personal Trainer in the Best Gym

There are many factors to take into consideration when you wish to lose weight-and one of the biggest is willpower. It is easy to decide one day that you will lose a hundred pounds and sign up in the nearest gym, but actually doing it is another matter. The weight loss process is an uphill climb that makes people want to quit in the middle.

Why Am I Always So Hungry? 3 Tips To Curb Your Hunger

How often have you asked “Why Am I Always so hungry?” Have you ever felt your hunger was out of control? Chances are it’s not your fault! Don’t just get my 3 tips to curb your appetite that work instantly… Discover the underlying issue to end annoying hunger once and for all…

The Most Effective Fruits For Maximum Weight Loss

It can be a never-ending battle to lose weight quickly or maintain a healthy size. We have some of the best fruits that will aid in the weight loss process…

5 Reasons Why Losing Weight Isn’t Always Easy

We all know that maintaining a healthy weight is crucial to good overall health. Why, then, is losing weight and shifting the extra pounds we have put on so hard? After all, gaining them was the easy bit! Of course, taking personal responsibility is important, but you might be surprised that some things that you are exposed to every day can actually sabotage your weight loss efforts if you aren’t aware of them.

Discover the Dos and Don’ts of the Alkaline Diet

Trying to lose weight or want to start a natural meal plan? The alkaline diet may come handy. Read on to find some of the relevant facts, dos and don’ts.

Look and Feel Good This New Year With Tummy Tuck Treatment

New Year 2018 is just a few days away and everyone is gearing to look beautiful during the New Year’s celebration parties. But, what can be done about your bulging tummy or abdomen area? No need to worry, tummy tuck treatment is here to help you!

Do Not Make These Mistakes When You Are Dieting

Even though there is so much information available about weight loss, I see the same mistakes over and over again. Not small slip-ups, but mistakes that are bound to make you fail in your weight loss plan.

You Can Overcome Your Weight Loss Obstacles

Weight loss can be extremely intimidating to somebody who has never done it before. It can simply lead to a bit of information overload due to all the resources accessible to inexperienced people. Below are a couple of tips to help you in getting all of this information organized so you can set out losing weight successfully.

Sweet Facts on Fruits

There is so much confusion about eating fruits. If fruits are good for us why can’t we eat fruits all the time? Most “experts” use the “moderation” cup out when the talk about fruits. “Just eat fruits moderately”, just do it in moderation and you will get to your goals and be great.

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