The Flat Belly Code

Weight Loss – Are Freshly Prepared Pre-Packaged Meals A Wise Choice?

If you’ve been keeping up with the times on the hottest new trends in fitness and nutrition, you may have come across companies that will now ship you freshly prepared, calorie counted, measured and weighed pre-packaged meals that are all ready to go. Pre-packaged meals take the guess work out of the food you are eating as well as its calorie content – it’s all ready to go for you. Some of these companies will have a nutritionist or dietitian planning the meals out while others may just allow you to pick and choose which meals you want to eat. But the question remains, are they a healthy choice? Should you use these pre-packaged meals as part of your overall health and fitness plan? Let’s go over some important points to consider…

Weight Loss – What Is The 5:2 Diet Plan And Is It Right For You?

One diet you may have heard of and now be considering is the 5:2 diet plan. What is it all about and is it right for you? Before starting any diet protocol, it’s important you take some time to figure out why it works and whether it will fit in with your lifestyle. Let’s look closer at what this one is all about…

How to Burn Belly Fat After 40

Body fat is essential for your health and well-being. Fat has an extremely crucial role in hormonal balance, immunity, reproduction, thermal insulation, shock absorption and storage of food energy for use in the lean periods. However, excessive consumption of food and sedentary lifestyle may lead to excessive deposition of body fat.

Weight Loss Tactics

Numerous diets and programs promise quick and easy weight loss. Weight loss goals can be achieved in a healthy manner by following a perfect diet plan combined with exercise. However, to maintain your weight loss for long you need to change your lifestyle and habits permanently.

5 Reasons You’re Not Losing Weight

Losing weight isn’t as simple as balancing calories in vs calories out. Or eating less and working out more. Our bodies are complex and a lot of factors contribute to weight loss. Factors such as the types of foods you eat, the type and intensity of your workouts, and even your lifestyle. Here are 5 tips you may be overlooking that are keeping you from losing weight…

Can I Lose Weight With Biltong?

Is it possible to lose weight eating biltong? Are you looking for a healthy snack, that will not make you gain weight, and it tastes delicious? Then eat biltong!

Weight Loss – Keeping The Weight Off For Good

So much attention is given to weight loss, that sometimes the importance of keeping the weight off is neglected. That’s not to undermine the challenging task of losing weight. The problem, however, is it’s counterintuitive at best to lose fat and get to a healthy weight, only to gain most or all of it back in just a short period of time. Having a lean and healthy body requires a long-term commitment.

Why You’re Doing Everything Right and Still Not Losing Weight

You’re eating healthy, exercising, even sleeping better and still you’re not losing weight. What’s the why behind it? Learn more about what you’re doing that might sabotage your results and how to fix it.

Lap Band Surgery and Commitment to a New Healthier You

Are you one of those who have already tried every non-surgical method out there, like exercise and diet, to take off your excess weight? Or has a family member or friend done the same only to be frustrated with the results? Then you might want to ask your healthcare provider if you can undergo a lap band surgery. Bariatric surgery is recommended by a lap band surgery specialist for individuals who have a Body Mass index of 35 and above, accompanied with severe morbidity issues like cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and hypertension.

Too Busy For Healthy Eating? These 5 Tips Will Help

Healthy eating can be a real challenge if you are busy all the time. This set of healthy eating tips will be really handy if you’re always busy.

Are You on Track to Meet Your Fitness Goals?

Maximize your effort to achieve your desired fitness goals for following a few tips. These health and fitness tips will ensure that you are setting yourself up for success in living a healthier lifestyle. Allowing you to look great and feel better about your fitness results.

Always Move In A Positive, Healthy Direction

As you focus on improving your health and fitness one thing you should keep in mind is to try and always move in a positive direction. Changing your daily habits to reach a particular goal often presents a number of issues that are sometimes hard to overcome. Don’t expect to have a flawless journey on your first attempt because that will likely not be the case.

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