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The Flat Belly Code

6 Diet Steps To Recover After Easter Holiday

“Oh my gosh! I’ve eaten way too much, I think I’ve gained like 5 pounds this weekend!” Does this sounds like you? Did you overindulge on your mothers favorite recipe’s, baked goods and chocolate? Don’t sweat it! I’ve got your back! Just follow these 6 simple recovery steps and you’ll be back on track!

Do Herbal Weight Loss Products Really Have A Long Lasting Effect?

There are various diseases that are caused by the obesity. Some of the most popular are diabetes, cardio arrest, cardiovascular diseases, blood pressure, etc.

5 Weight Loss Tips For Women Who Live Busy Lives

Healthy weight loss for women is about making sustainable healthy lifestyle changes for the long term. Here are 5 handy weight loss tips for women who have a bustling daily schedule.

Why Do Some People Have A Hard Time Losing Weight?

This article explains why some people cannot lose weight and how they can change their lifestyle. It also explains how excessive weight can trigger serious illness such as cancer.

Lose Weight, Feel Great, Never Worry About Diabetes Again

Weight loss isn’t a major need for most people that are overweight. What’s needed more than losing weight is to get the minerals back into the body so the body has the ability to keep itself balanced.

There’s Some Road Work Ahead

This is precisely how the weight loss process should be viewed as road work ahead, however in this case the road being improved is your body. Just as construction projects have different time tables for completion, the same can be said for losing weight. Not only is the amount of weight an individual is trying to lose different for everyone, but also the level of effort that will be put forth.

Choose Salmon Products As A Weight-Loss Superfood

The salmon products have a wide range of benefits to offer. We should choose the right product to gain the exact amount of omega 3 fatty acids needed by our body.

8 Natural Ways to Achieve Some Weight Loss Without Starving

Achieving a healthy weight loss is hardly coincidental. It can only result from a deliberate, calculated effort to embrace healthy routines, while letting go of those risky lifestyles and habits that predispose you to excessive weight gain and obesity.The potential benefits of maintaining a healthy weight cannot be overemphasised. To the same extent, the dangers of obesity are enormous, ranging from increased risk of cardiovascular problems to a higher incidence of some cancers recorded among obese patients.

Fundamental Fat Loss Flaws for Every Dad and Lad on Planet Earth

Find out how to win the game of dropping belly fat, for good. So many of us start off with great fat loss intentions yet quickly end up resorting back to old behaviors that invariably take us away from where we want to go. Get a dose of reality in this article and find out how to lose weight for the long term and shape up for life. All of your life.

8 Ways To Help You Lose Weight Naturally

The best way to lose weight naturally is to make healthy lifestyle changes that gradually lower your weight and that you can maintain over the long term. Here are 8 tips to help naturally lose weight.

How Not To Lose Weight, A True, Scary Story

This is my life and me losing weight. It was very difficult, but cutting out or cutting down little by little helped me succeed in my weight loss journey. I didn’t need expensive equipment or those gurus telling me what to eat, how to eat, when to eat, etc… I needed something special to me because I wanted to be successful and you know, I am special.

How to Improve Your Chances of Keeping Excess Weight Off

Among dieters, there are biological, genetic, and psychological factors that make permanent weight loss very difficult to achieve, if not impossible. Every person whose aim is to keep off the weight that they have lost is at a disadvantage because of the innate response of the body and the brain to food. Food plays a central role in most cultures today.

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