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The Flat Belly Code

Weight Loss With The Alkaline Diet – Things You Need To Know

A lot has been written about the alkaline diet and how it can help in weight loss. Read on to find some of the essential and important aspects that matter the most.

3 Fruits for Weight Loss and Glowing Skin

Staying healthy and younger requires some disciplines and eating habits as recommended by the nutritionists. Aging has been described as a natural process which is unavoidable. However, to look healthy physically, it involves two signs namely, moderate weight and glowing skin. To achieve these two healthy signs, fresh fruits have been researched to enhance and benefit in weight loss and glowing skin effectively. Instead of taking synthetic drugs or investing in expensive lotions and creams, natural fruits can perform wonders beyond your expectations. Sure, those fruits in your kitchen and refrigerator can give you the required result.

Weight Loss – Does Losing Weight Get Harder With Age?

It is a question that seems to be repeated time and time again: does weight loss get harder with age? What is concerning is not the answer to this issue, but rather the reasons why it is usually asked. The short answer is yes: weight loss gets harder with age. I doubt this is a surprise to you. It is more or less what you suspected and wanted to be confirmed. If you expected weight loss to become more difficult, it is not because you have a remarkable intuition: it is because anything that takes an effort to achieve in life gets harder with age.

5 Everyday Things To Lose Weight That’s Proven

With infomercials and diet pills everywhere you look, losing weight can be pretty overwhelming. Little do a lot of people know, there are 5 simple steps to help boost weight lose. That’s without crazy diets or tons of exercise as well.

Heading For Carbohydrate Rehab

I have been successfully living a low carb higher fat lifestyle for the past 18 months. But recently I took a two week holiday into carb paradise, or hell depending on your opinion. The problem with being on any programme for a long time is that you start to forget about the benefits. So after a couple of days of reasonably successful resistance I gave into the lure of a high carb diet.

How To Make Healthy Decisions When Eating Out

It’s one thing to eat healthy at home when you’re in control of what’s available – but eating out while traveling can sometimes put a strain on our healthy eating habits. Travel and meals out are a part of life – and quite enjoyable, don’t you think? So feeling confident and comfortable with making healthy choices with the options you’re given is an important part of continuing your healthy lifestyle.

The Most Inspiring and Real-Life Weight Loss Success Story

I am slimmer, I am smarter and I am happier and here is my weight loss success story! Most of us go on a strict diet in hopes of becoming slimmer. But we all know that no one can go on dieting forever. My weight loss success story will definitely motivate you. My weight loss success story begins with the psychological aspect of helping reduce weight. Secondly, you need to control the calorie intake if you want to maintain a slim and gorgeous figure. I hope that you take inspiration from my weight loss success story because I was a hefty 80kg who is now down to a beautiful and healthy 55kg in no time!

Secrets of Long Term Weight Control

Weight maintenance is the long-term relapse prevention of weight regain. Long-term weight control has three principal components. Let us review them.

Do Diets Really Work? Why Do Most People Fail?

Diets for short-term weight loss may work for some, however they may not be sustainable for long term. There is really no quick-fix and there is definitely not a one size diet that fits all.

How To Use Tea For Weight Loss

We all have those problem areas that we want to get rid of. Recently a lot of people have been using detox tea as a way to lose weight. Actually, detox tea may not be the best way to lose weight. The best way to lose weight with tea is…

The Weight Loss Drama

This is just about what one should have in mind before venturing into fitness. Understanding and accepting yourself.

A Few Tips On How to Lose Belly Fat

Today we are living in the 21st Century and in this Century everyone is having one super hectic and packed up routine. We generally sacrifice our health for our jobs or other things. So when this happens there are a lot of ways by which this stubborn belly fat can get into our body and sit there, and no matter how hard we try this stubborn fat sits there and makes us lose our self-esteem.

The Flat Belly Code

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